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Simon’s carrying story: sharing experiences

dad carrying and sharing everything
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Simon’s carrying story: sharing experiences

dad carrying and sharing everything
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The best bit about carrying for me is being able to share every experience with them. Much of this is day to day stuff. When sharing walks along the river on the school run carrying means that everyone is at the same level; we’re able to talk about the ducks and the trees whilst looking at the same things.

In addition to this, carrying means I am able to bring the kids along, sharing my hobbies and loves with them. The two biggest of these are playing Pokemon Go and walking in parks. These two things go hand in hand, but carrying means the kids can get involved at my height. Alternatively they can walk until it gets too much for them they can come up for a cuddle, slipping off to sleep while I carry on.

There is so much I have enjoyed with the kids that wouldn’t have been possible without carriers. Trips to and around London. When visiting castles carrying means we can go to the top of the turrets and sharing the views.

dad carrying and sharing everything

By far the best thing to come from it is the obvious positive impact it has left on all 3 kids. My daughter Tilly shares my love of carrying, and loves to carry her ‘babies’ (dolls). Who knows if this will be something that stays with them, but I know I have loved every cuddle, every snore, every tantrum calmed, every step and will miss it when it stops. But at least now I am a trained Peer Supporter I can share the gift of carrying with other fathers.


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